Download Bitdefender Total Security 2012 Final Full + Crack License Until 2045
Kamis, 29 September 2011

Bitdefender Total Security 2012 Finals Full mengkapitalisasi pada hidup dan perilaku berbasis virtual deteksi, di samping layanan berbasis cloud, untuk menghentikan muncul ancaman dari produk lain yang terlewatkan.

Active Virus Control - Monitors processes behavior while they are running to detect new & unknown viruses
* Rescue mode - Reboots your computer in a trusted environment, which is used for cleanup and restoration
* Virtualized Browser - Isolates the browser from the operating system in a Bitdefender-provided environment to block web-based threats
* Vulnerability Scanner - Checks for missing or outdated security software as well as potentially unsafe system settings
* Antispam - Stops unwanted e-mail from reaching your Inbox
* Two-way Firewall - Monitors your Internet connections and keeps strangers from accessing your Wi-Fi connection
* Parental Control - Blocks inappropriate content, restricts Web access between certain hours, and helps parents remotely monitor their children's online activity
Download Bitdefender Total Security 2012 Final Full + Crack License Until 2045
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